Please contact Kali Meeker with questions regarding careers.
Endowment Fund
Good Neighbor Society's Endowment Fund was established to provide for and ensure that our vision and mission will continue long into the future.
As with any endowment fund, the donated principal is secure forever - invested in a diversified portfolio and managed to produce the highest return possible and allow for those earnings and growth (up to 5%) to be used annually to support the mission of compassionate Christian care for those we serve.
As an affiliate of the Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque (CFGD), our donors have the benefit of qualifying for the 25% Endow Iowa (State Income) Tax Credit Program (minimum donation required; voucher must be applied for). Your gift can be in the form of cash, stocks, bonds, IRAs, even gifts of grain. Your gift can be made during your lifetime or as a bequest through your will. You are welcome to remember and honor family and friends with your gift(s) to the Good Neighbor Society Endowment Fund.
The financial stability that an endowment fund can provide is invaluable. The Endowment Committee is appointed by the Board of Directors and makes recommendations to the Board in accordance with the needs of Good Neighbor Society as to how the annual payout of funds is used each year.
Other Benefits
- Good Neighbor Society is a 501(c)(3) organization so your gift could be tax deductible on your federal income tax return (consult your income tax preparer)
- Gifts to our Endowment Fund will stay with our campus and benefit all residents, forever
- Personal satisfaction that you made a difference for all current and future residents in Good Neighbor Home, Marietta's Place and The Meadows
- As an affiliate of CFGD, the set-up and annual operational costs are kept to a minimum
For more information on the Good Neighbor Society's Endowment Fund, call 563-927-3907. Checks can be made payable to CFGD/Good Neighbor Society Endowment and sent to 105 McCarren Drive, Manchester, IA 52057.
Your generosity is greatly appreciated!